The US has the most confirmed Covid 19 cases and deaths in the world

Koon Yew Yin 30 May 2020

Currently the US has 1.78 million confirmed Covid 19 cases and 104,000 deaths. Both of these figures are increasing at an alarming rate. Americans will continue to die in large numbers until the US mounts a coherent response to the epidemic. President Donald Trump has failed. The US still lacks even a basic plan for controlling the epidemic and restarting the economy.

According to John Hopkins University data, the US now has about 62 deaths per million people. Meanwhile, Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan all have less than 1 death per million; and China, South Korea and Singapore have each under 5 deaths per million. India, too, took decisive actions, with a complete national lockdown beginning on March 24, when there still had been only 10 deaths in a country of 1.3 billion people. As of today, India has only 289 reported deaths, or 0.2 cases per million, and the hospitals are not jammed with patients as in the US.

Unlike these Asian countries, Trump failed to prepare for the pandemic even after the alarm bells went off. He ignored urgent warning signs. He continues to say repeatedly that everything was under control.

Trump, meanwhile, repeatedly fails to put public health experts truly in the lead. He ignores the rudiments of basic public health and seems to view the epidemic in political and electoral rather than public health terms. As usual, he blames others for his own disastrous failings.

Trump’s latest target of attack is the World Health Organization (WHO), which plays a key role in helping governments around the world to fight this disease. He wants to stop financial support for WHO. 

Trump continues to blame China for spreading the virus because bashing China can win more votes in the coming November election and most Americans like it. 

President Trump is a quack apothecary 

The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. Antibiotics do not work against the viruses. Antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment. Unfortunately, President Trump publicly said that Hydroxychloroquine can be used to kill the coronavirus. Hydroxychloroquine is used to prevent or treat malaria caused by mosquito bites. Trump is so egoistic and wants to be a quack apothecary 

Well proven method to contain the Covid 19 virus 

1 All governments must consider human lives is more important than economy of the country. 

2 Lockdown the whole city or region or country immediately when Covid 19 cases are discovered. 

3 Investigate those people who were in contact or close with the Covid 19 patients.

4 Everyone you must wear face masks if they are in public.  

5 Practice social distancing. The distance between 2 persons should not be less than 2 meters.  

6 The authorities must impose free testing to stop the spread of the virus.