Insas Bhd owns 36.4% of Inari Amerton Bhd which has a market cap of about Rm1,986 million. It has a total of 516 million issued shares of 10 sen par value while its current price is Rm 3.85.
Insas should sell say 6.4%, still holding 30%, to realise more than Rm 100 million profit in cash. Even its CEO Dato Thong Kok Khee sold 500,000 shares in the open market on 2nd Sept 2014. It would be foolish not to lock in some profit. If it did, Insas share price would have also shot up like Inari. That is why it is so depressed!
Insas should follow Naim’s footstep.
Naim sold some Dayang shares
Naim Holdings Bhd sold about 3% of its holdings in Dayang Enterprise in first Quarter 2014 to relise Rm 61.7 million profit in cash as show in Naim’s announcement below together with Dayang price chart.