After having read almost all the comments on my articles I posted on, I notice there are about 10 negative comments among hundreds of readers.
Obviously they did not buy Latitude which has gone up from Rm 1.00 to above Rm 7.00 in the last 24 months and VS which has gone up from Rm 1.60 to above Rm 5.80 in the last 12 months. Every time I write about these 2 counters, they would write something negative.
Dr. Wayne Dyer, quote “The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about, yet refuse to investigate”.
At the investment seminar on 25th July in JB, I was pleasantly surprised to see more than 200 young investors who have benefitted by following my recommendations. Each of them paid Rm 138 to learn. Most of them have read the articles I posted on i3investor and appreciate my sincere effort to improve their stock selection skill to make more money.
There will be one more investment seminars on 1st Aug in Sunway Hotel, Penang and another on 8th Aug in Sunway Convention Center KL.
The Greek Philosopher Plato has a quote regarding wilful ignorance- “we can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light”.