Yesterday the price of Naim shot up from 90sen to Rm 1.20, an increase of 30sen or limit up of 30%.
Yesterday the price of Perdana shot up from 30 sen to 45sen an increase of 15sen or limit up of 50%.
Naim owns 26% of Dayang
Dayang owns 60% of Perdana
Mostly likely that shareholders of Naim and Perdana are also shareholders of Dayang but they were too involved in Naim and Perdana and neglected Dayang yesterday.
All smart investors should sell some of their holdings in Naim and Perdana to buy Dayang today.
Smart investors who do not have Dayang shares before should buy Dayang as soon as possible.
Among all the O & G stocks, Dayang is the cheapest in terms of its profit growth prospect. Its last quarter EPS was 10.13 sen. With the additional profit from the newly secured contracts and the absent of the N-E monsoon, its next quarter EPS should be higher than 10.13 sen.
What price would you rate for a great growth stock earning 40 or more sen per share per year?
I hope my imagination will come true.
Remember a man’s success is limited by his own imagination.