Koon Yew Yin 16 June 2020
I posted my first article on glove stock, namely ”Glove share prices shooting up” on 12 April.
I posted my second buy recommendation for Comfort on 20 April when it was selling at Rm 1.08 per share.
The price chart below shows that the price shot up from Rm 1.08 to Rm 4.20 on 1 June in less than 6 weeks.
Since my buy recommendations have benefitted so many investors, I often see many commentators singing praises of me which made me so happy because I have helped investors to make more money.
Since all the glove stocks have been shooting up like rockets, they have been dropping quite rapidly in the last few days. I wish I have a crystal ball to tell you if they will rebound or not today. However, I always remember the saying “the seed of kindness will touch many hearts”.
I just read the buy recommendation for glove stocks today by theedgemarkets.com. Since most investors believe theedge media, all the glove stocks are rebounding now. Currently while I am writing this, Comfort has gone up 25 sen and Supermax 53 sen.
Author’s responsibility
As an author, I take my responsibility very seriously. I will not write anything to mislead investors to take advantage of them. I do not need to make money by devious means. Beside i3investors.com forum, I also post all my article on my own blog: koonyewyin.com. If you Google my name you can read more about me.
By the way, about 2 years ago, I posted an article to criticize our bloated Malaysian civil service. We have the most civil servants per capita in the world. The government employed 1.6 million civil servants, almost all of them are Malays; 1 civil servant for every 19 citizens. I was grilled in Jelapang police station, Ipoh for 2.5 hours. The police did not arrest me because what I said was the true.
Commentators’ responsibility:
The management of i3investors allows people to use pseudonyms (pen names) so that they can express their thinking freely. They can say what they like. But that does not mean they can write nonsense. All commentators or writers must take responsibility for what they write seriously because many readers can be misled. Yesterday when all the glove stocks plunged, I was shocked to read a few criticisms that I have mislead them. For example:
Itu uncle selalu jual sama ikan bilis harga tinggi…dont believe itu uncle punya story. always tipu…kesian ikan bilis.
How could I always tipu Legend when on 1st June, I first posted my buy recommendation on Comfort which was selling Rm 1.08. That can only mean Legend was so stupid that he did not buy Comfort at Rm 1.08 and bought at higher prices or at its peak Rm 4.20. I did not post buy recommendation when the price went up too much too quickly. Legend must be leaking his wounds and crying like a baby. How can Legend blame me for misleading him?