According to the Christian bible, Jesus Christ had 12 Apostles and one of them was called Thomas. He was crucified by the Romans on a cross, died and buried. After 3 days, he rose from the death and he appeared to his Apostles except Thomas.
The term ‘a doubting Thomas‘ is a direct reference to the biblical story of the apostle Thomas, who refused to believe that the resurrected Jesus had been seen by the other apostles until he could actually see and feel the wounds Jesus received during his crucifixion. This happened 2019 years ago.
As you know, I have written many articles and posted on my own blog and also on i3investors, in the last few months to encourage readers to buy Dayang. The above price chart shows that it has gone up from 90 sen to close at Rm 1.68 yesterday. Obviously, all those who believed me have bought Dayang at cheaper prices and should be laughing to the Bank. Unfortunately, there are a few Doubting Thomas who are saying that when I recommend buy, they should sell. Since the price has gone up from 90 sen to peak at Rm 1.69, a gain of 79 sen or 88% within a few months, they must be regretting for being a Doubting Thomas.
As I said before, no stock can go up or drop continuously for whatever reason. After a while the trend will change. Fortunately, the price corrections are always quite mild.
Based on the current trading, it looks like the Rm 1.69 resistance will soon be broken. It looks like many rich fund managers already know that the 3rd quarter result which will be announced before the end of November will be better than the previous 2 quarters and they expect the price to shoot beyond Rm 2.00.
In about 2 months you will know if I am right.
I do not need you to buy Dayang to make me richer because the average daily volume is more than 10 million shares and whether you buy or sell will not make any difference.
I will not post any more article on Dayang because it is on auto drive. This is my last article.